Seferina Mavroudi
Current Academic Year:
- Health Informatics
- Biostatistics
- Bioinformation
- Biomedical Databases
Previous Academic Years:
- Health Informatics
- Biostatistics
- Research Methodology
- Bioinformation
- Biomedical Databases
Doctoral Degree Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program on Biomedical Engineering, organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Patras, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens,, 2003ACADEMIC CAREER
08.2020 – Today |
Lecturer in Informatics Nursing Department, School of Health Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Patras, Greece |
05.2019 - 08.2020 |
Lecturer in Informatics Department of Educational Sciences and Social Work, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Patras, Greece |
02.2012 -05.2019 |
Lecturer in Informatics Department of Social Work, School of Health and Caring Professions, TEI of Western Greece, Greece |
Spring Semester 2010/11 – Spring Semester 2012/13 |
Adjunct Assistant Professor (P.D 407/80) in Computational Intelligence Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Engineering School, University of Patras, Greece |
Spring Semester 2010/11 – Spring Semester 2012/13 |
Adjunct Assistant Professor (P.D 407/80) in Bioinformatics Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Engineering School, University of Patras, Greece |
Spring Semester 2010/11 – Spring Semester 2012/13 |
Adjunct Assistant Professor (P.D 407/80) in Decision Theory Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Engineering School, University of Patras, Greece |
07.2007-08.2010 |
Lecturer in Informatics Department of Organic Farming, School of Agricultural Technology, TEI of Ionian Islands, Greece |
Spring Semester 2001-02 |
Invited Researcher Bioinformatics Center, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) |
Project Title |
Funding source |
Period |
Role |
Computational Methods for Biomarker Discovery of small non-coding RNAs from RNA-seq data |
Private Investors |
09.2017-12.2017 |
PI |
E.529: SYSBIOD: Design, Development and Testing of Innovative Computational Intelligence Algorithms for the Analysis of Systems Biology Datasets |
Private Investors |
15.10. 2015 – 15.03.2016 |
Researcher |
The Genetic Architecture of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Greek Population |
Thalis Program 2012-15, », co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund—ESF) and Greek national funds |
01.04.2012- 30.09.2015 |
Researcher |
Intelligent Algorithms for Computational Medicine – Bioinformatics Applications |
Research Funding Program “Pythagoras”, 2004-06, ESF and Greek national funds |
01.03.2004-31.08.2006 |
Researcher |
Mining of Association Rules of Gene Expression Using Advanced Methods of Data Mining and Systems of Fuzzy Logic |
Greek State Scholarships Foundation |
01.01.2005-30.06.2006 |
Researcher |
Analysis of Gene Expression data with advanced methods of computational intelligence. |
Archimedes Program, 2004-06, co-financed by ESF and Greek national funds |
2004-2006 |
Researcher |
Development of advanced models of computational intelligence for predicting the secondary and third order structure of proteins |
Program Karatheodoris 2002-03, funded by the Research Committee of the University of Patras |
01.05.2002- 30.11.2003 |
Researcher |
Discovery of DNA Binding Sites using Artificial Neural Networks |
Bioinformatics Center, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) |
15.03.2002- 15.07.2002 |
Visiting Researcher |
New methods for processing of the electrocardiogram in the detection, treating and re-establishment of heart diseases”, Project “2612: Greece-Poland |
Project “2612: Greece-Poland”, 2001-02, funded by the GSRT |
01.06.2001- 31.01.2002 |
Researcher |
Applications of non-linear dynamics and chaos in biomedical and biochemical systems |
Project PENED, 2000-01, Funded by the GSRT |
01.05.2000-30.04.2001 |
Researcher |
- Biomedical Informatics
- Bioinformatics
- Computational Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- PC Member, 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, IISAA 2019 , Patras 15-17 July, Greece, 2019
- PC Member of the 3rd Workshop on New Methods and Tools for Big Data (MT4BD-2016), 16-18 September 2016, Thessaloniki – Greece
- PC Member of the 3rd Workshop on Mining Humanistic Data, AIAI 2014 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovation 19-21 September, Rhodes, Greece, 2014
- Organizing Committee of the Computational Intelligence Applications in Bioinformatics (CIAB 2013) Workshop, 14th EANN Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks 2013 (EANN 2013), Halkidiki, Greece, 13-16 September, 2013
- Organizing Committee of the Computational Intelligence Applications in Bioinformatics (CIAB 2012) Workshop, International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks 2012 (EANN 2012), London, England, 20-23 September, 2012
- Organizing Committee of the Computational Intelligence Applications in Bioinformatics (CIAB 2011) Workshop, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations 2011 (EANN/AIAI 2011), Corfu Greece, September 2011
- Local Organizing Committee of the 2nd Summer School on Emerging Technologies in Biomedicine, Patras 20th June- 25th June 2004.
Selected Publications in peer-reviewed International Journal
- “Reducing Opioid Prescriptions by Identifying Responders on Topical Analgesic Treatment Using an Individualized Medicine and Predictive Analytics Approach”, Gudin, J., Mavroudi, S., Korfiati, A., Theofilatos, K., Dietze, D., & Hurwitz, P., Journal of Pain Research 13, 1255-1266, 2020, https://doi.org/10.2147/JPR.S246503
- “Discovery of stroke-related blood biomarkers from gene expression network models”, Theofilatos, K., Korfiati, A., Mavroudi, S. Cowperthwaite M., Shpak, M., BMC Med Genomics 12, 118, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12920-019-0566-8
- “An Adaptive Pipeline To Maximize Isobaric Tagging Data in Large-Scale MS-Based Proteomics”, Corthésy, J., Theofilatos, K., Mavroudi, S., Macron, C., Cominetti, O., Remlawi, M., ... & Dayon, L., Journal of Proteome Research 17 (6), 2165-2173, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00110
- “Prediction overlapping protein complexes from weighted protein interaction graphs by gradually expanding dense neighborhoods”, Dimitrakopoulos, C., Theofilatos, K., Pegkas, A., Likothanassis, S., & Mavroudi, S., Artificial intelligence in medicine, 71, 62-69, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2016.05.006
- “Quo vadis computational analysis of PPI data or why the future isn’t here yet.”, Theofilatos, K. A., Likothanassis, S., & Mavroudi, S., Frontiers in genetics, 6, 289, 2015, https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2015.00289
- “Predicting Human miRNA Target Genes Using a Novel Computational Intelligent Framework”, Korfiati, A., Theofilatos, K., Kleftogiannis, D., Alexakos, C., Likothanassis, S., & Mavroudi, S., Information Sciences, 294, 576-585, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2014.09.016
- “Predicting protein complexes from weighted protein–protein interaction graphs with a novel unsupervised methodology: evolutionary enhanced Markov clustering”, Theofilatos, K., Pavlopoulou, N., Papasavvas, C., Likothanassis, S., Dimitrakopoulos, C., Georgopoulos, E., ... & Mavroudi, S., Artificial intelligence in medicine, 63 (3), 181-189., 2015, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2014.12.012
- “ncRNAclass: A web platform for non-coding RNA feature calculation, microRNA prediction and microRNA target prediction”, Karathanou, K., Theofilatos, K., Kleftogiannis, D., Alexakos, C., Likothanassis, S., Tsakalidis, A., & Mavroudi, S., International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 24 (01), 1540002, 2015, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218213015400023
- “YamiPred: A novel evolutionary method for predicting pre-miRNAs and selecting relevant features”, Kleftogiannis, D., Theofilatos, K., Likothanassis, S., & Mavroudi, S., IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 12 (5), 1183-1192, 2015,
https://doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2014.2388227 - “EnsembleGASVR: A novel ensemble method for classifying missense Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.”, Rapakoulia, T., Theofilatos, K., Kleftogiannis, D., Likothanasis, S., Tsakalidis, A., & Mavroudi, S., Bioinformatics, 30 (16), 2324-2333, 2014, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btu297
- “A hybrid support vector fuzzy inference system for the classification of leakage current waveforms portraying discharges”, Theofilatos, K., Pylarinos, D., Likothanassis, S., Melidis, D., Siderakis, K., Thalassinakis, E., & Mavroudi, S., Electric Power Components and Systems, 42 (2), 180-189, 2014, https://doi.org/10.1080/15325008.2013.853217
- “The Human Interactome Knowledge Base (HINT-KB): an integrative human protein interaction database enriched with predicted protein–protein interaction scores using a novel hybrid technique”, Theofilatos, K., Dimitrakopoulos, C., Likothanassis, S., Kleftogiannis, D., Moschopoulos, C., Alexakos, C., ... & Mavroudi, S., Artificial Intelligence Review, 42(3), 427-443, 2013, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-013-9409-8
- “Where we stand, where we are moving: Surveying computational techniques for identifying miRNA genes and uncovering their regulatory role”, Kleftogiannis, D., Korfiati, A., Theofilatos, K., Likothanassis, S., Tsakalidis, A., & Mavroudi, S., Journal of biomedical informatics, 46 (3), 563-573, 2013, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2013.02.002
- “Computational Approaches for the Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions: A Survey”, A Theofilatos, K., M Dimitrakopoulos, C., K Tsakalidis, A., D Likothanassis, S., T Papadimitriou, S., & P Mavroudi, S., Current Bioinformatics, 6(4), 398-414, 2011, https://doi.org/10.2174/157489311798072981
- “Mutual Information Clustering For Efficient Mining Of Fuzzy Association Rules With Application To Gene Expression Data Analysis”, Papadimitriou, S., Mavroudi, S., & Likothanassis, S. D., International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 15 (02), 227-250, 2006, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218213006002643
- “Gene Expression Analysis with a Dynamically extended Self-Organized Map that exploits class information”, Mavroudi, S., Papadimitriou, S., & Bezerianos, A., Bioinformatics, 18(11), 1446-1453, 2002, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/18.11.1446
- "Ischemia Detection with a Self Organizing Map supplemented by Supervised Learning”, Papadimitriou, S., Mavroudi, S., Vladutu, L., & Bezerianos, A., IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 12(3), 503-515, 2001, https://doi.org/10.1109/72.925554
Selected Publications in Book/Book Chapters
- “Computational intelligence: Recent advances, perspectives and open problems”, Theofilatos, K., Georgopoulos, E., Likothanassis, S., Mavroudi, S. Computational Intelligence Techniques for Trading and Investment, pp. 3-21. Taylor and Francis (Series: Advances in Experimental and Computable Economics), ISBN: 978-0-415-63680-3, 2014
- “Πρωτεϊνική Ανάλυση”, Χ. Μοσχόπουλος, Σ. Μαυρουδή, Σ. Κοσσίδα, Βιοπληροφορική – Δυνατότητες και Προοπτικές, Κεφάλαιο 11, σελ. 173-186, Εκδόσεις: Ίδρυμα Ιατροβιολογικών Ερευνών της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, 2008
Selected Publications in peer-reviewed International Conferences
- Gudin, J., Mavroudi, S., Korfiati, A., Theofilatos, K., Dietze, D., & Hurwitz, P. (2019, July). A precision medicine approach for non-opioid pain therapy using a combination of multi-objective optimization and support vector regression. In 2019 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA)(pp. 1-7). IEEE, Greece, DOI: 10.1109/IISA.2019.8900689
- Hastings, M., Theofilatos, K., Mavroudi, S., (2018). Combining network theory and machine learning to identify a diagnostic and prognostic biosignature for Glioblastoma, In Proceedings of the 11th annual RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics conference, New York City, USA, December 2018
- Theofilatos, K., Tatsi, K., Mavroudi, S., Georgakilas, A. (2017). Deciphering the impact of radiation therapies in molecular level using biological network based bioinformatics technique, In Proceedings of the CPRIT Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research, Austin, USA November 2017
- Corthésy, J., Theofilatos, K., Mavroudi, S., Cominetti, O., Remlawi, M., Ferraro, F., Núñez Galindo, A., Montoliu, I., Kussmann, M., Likothanassis, S., Dayon, L., (2016). Maximizing shotgun proteomics isobaric tagging data output using MS/MS multi-objective optimization algorithm, In Proceedings of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry on June 2016, San Antonio, USA.
- Kontaxakis, J., Sangriotis, M., Angelopoulou, R., Plastira, K., Sgouros, N., Mavroudi, S. (2007). Automatic Analysis of TUNEL assay Microscopy Images, The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Biomedical Signal Processing Session, pp 1172-1176, December 15-18, Cairo Egypt, 2007
- Dragomir, A., Mavroudi, S., Bezerianos, A. (2004). Tumor classification using ensembles of support vector machines and boosting, The Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS 2004), Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Mavroudi, S., Dragomir, A., Papadimitriou, S., Bezerianos, A. (2003). Integrating Supervised and Unsupervised Learning in Self Organizing Maps for Gene Expression Data Analysis, ICANN/ICONIP, June 26-29, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2714, pp. 262-270
- Mavroudi, S., Papadimitriou, S., Bezerianos, A. (2002). Gene Expression Analysis By A Novel Dynamically Extendable Self-Organized Map Integrating Unsupervised And Supervised Learning, Poster-session, RECOMB 2002, The Sixth Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, Washington, DC, April 18-21, 2002
- Vladutu, L., Papadimitriou, S., Mavroudi, S., Bezerianos, A. (2001). Ischemia Detection using Supervised Learning for Hierarchical Neural Networks based on Kohonen -Maps, Τhe 23rd IEEE-EMBS Conference, Istanbul, 25-28 October 2001, Proceedings, 2, 1688-1691
- Vladutu, L., Papadimitriou, S., Mavroudi, S., Bezerianos, A. (2001). Generalized RBF Networks trained with Instance Based Training for mining Symbolic Data, The 5th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-01), April 16-18, 2001, Hong Kong, published in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,Edts. David Cheung, Graham J. Williams, Qing Li, Springer-Verlang, pp. 587-594
- Papadimitriou, S., Bezerianos, A., Vladutu, L., Mavroudi, S. (2000). Detection of ischemic episodes with a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning, the Int. Conference On Computational Intelligence, Slovakia, ISCI 2000, 29 August – 1 September 2000 published in "The State of the Art in Computational Intelligence",Physica-Verlag, SPRINGER, 2000,P. Sincak, J. Vascak, V. Kvasnicka, R. Mesiar,Eds.
Selected Publications in peer-reviewed Hellenic Conferences
- Pappa I., Nikou S., Korfiati A., Theofilatos K., Mavroudi S., Bravou V. Deciphering the importance of focal adhesion proteins in lung adenocarcinoma with bioinformatics tools. 70th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 29th November – 1st December 2019. Athens, Greece.
- Korfiati, D., Kleftogiannis, K. Theofilatos, S. Likothanassis, A. Tsakalidis, S. Mavroudi, “Predicting Human miRNA Target Genes Using a Novel Evolutionary Methodology”, Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Models and Applications, 8th Hellenic Conference on AI, SETN 2012 Lamia, Greece, May 2012. (Best Student Award) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2012, Volume 7297/2012, 291-298, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-30448-4_37